Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph

class, x1=0, x2=None, y1=0, y2=None, ncoeff=False, smoothingMethod=None, wvCalibMethod='simple', **kwargs)

Description: Read FISS data


  • filename (str) - File name of the proc or comp data file.
  • x1 (int, optional) - A left limit index of the frame along the scan direction.
  • x2 (int, optional) - A right limit index of the frame along the scan direction. If None, read all data from x1 to the end of the scan direction.
  • y1 (int, optional) - A left limit index of the frame along the slit direction.
  • y2 (int, optional) - A right limit index of the frame along the slit direction. If None, read all data from x1 to the end of the slit direction.
  • ncoeff (int, optional) - The number of coefficients(eigen vectors) to be used for the construction of frame in a pca file.
  • smoothingMethod (str, optional) - If it is not given, do not apply the noise filter. If 'savgol', apply the Savitzky-Golay noise filter in the wavelength axis. If 'gauss', apply the Gaussian noise filter in the wavelength axis. Default is None.
  • wvCalibMethod (str, optional) - Method to calibrate wavelength. 'simple': calibration with the information of the header. 'center': calibration with the center of the main line. 'photo': calibration with the photospheric line and the main line. Default is 'simple'.
  • **kwargs - smoothing properties. Either scipy.signal.savgol_filter properties or scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d.


  • Read FISS object


Read FISS data


Attributes Summary

data Data array.
header FITS Header.
wave 1D Wavelength array.
cwv Central wavelength.
refProfile Spatially averaged reference profile.
date Observation date.
nwv Number of pixel in wavelength direction.
ny Number of pixel in slit direction.
nx Number of pixel in scan direction.
ftype File type of the input data frame. It should be either 'proc' or 'comp'
filename input file name.
pfile file for egienvector of the comp data.
cam Camera inform. Either 'A' or 'B'.
band Wavelength band.
dx Pixel scale for x-axis (scan direction).
dy Pixel scale for y-axis (slit direction).
dwv Pixel scale for λ-axis (wavelength direction).
smoothing Whether the profiles are smoothed or not.

Methods Summary

imshow(x=None, y=None, wv=None, scale='log', sigFactor=2, helpBox=True, **kwargs) Draw the interactive images (raster, spectrogram and profile).
vshow(x=None, y=None, **kw) Draw line-of-sight Doppler map.
reload(x1=0, x2=None, y1=0, y2=None, ncoeff=False, smoothingMethod=None, **kwargs) Reload the FISS data.
wvCalib(profile=None, method='photo') Wavelength calibration
corSLA(refProf=None, pure=None, eps=0.027, zeta=0.055) Correction of spectral line profile(s) for stray light and far wing red-blue asymmetry.
smoothingProf(method='savgol', **kwargs) Smoothing spectral profiles.
getRaster(wv, hw=0,05) Get a raster image for a given wavelength.
lambdameter(**kwargs) Calculate the line-of-sight Doppler shift by using the lambda-meter (bisector) method.
chRasterClim(cmin, cmax) Change color limit for raster image.
chSpectroClim(cmin, cmax) Change color limit for Spectrograph image.
chcmap(cmap) Change color map.
chRaster(wv) Change raster image for a given wavelength.
chSpect(x, y) Change Spectrograph for a given position.
chIclim(cmin, cmax) Change the color limit of the intensity map on the vshow figure.
chVclim(cmin, cmax) Change the color limit of the velocity map on the vshow figure.

Methods Documentation

imshow(x=None, y=None, wv=None, scale='log', sigFactor=2, helpBox=True, **kwargs)

Description: Draw the interactive images (raster, spectrogram and profile)


  • x (float) - X position to draw a spectral profile. Default is image center.
  • y (float) - Y position to draw a spectral profile. Default is image center.
  • wv (float) - Wavelength position to draw a raster image. Default is central wavelength.
  • scale (str) - Colorbar scale. Default is 'log'. Options: 'minMax', 'std', 'log'.
  • sigFactor (float) - Factor of standard deviation of the color scale of 'std'.
  • helpBox (bool) - Show helpbox for the interactive keys. Default is True.
  • **kwargs: matplotlib.pyplot properties


  • None - It draw the matplotlib figure.
Note: To use the function correctly, you should change the backend of the matplotlib from inline to any of interactive backend (see here). In IPython you can simply change the backend by using '%matplotlib' magic function.

vshow(x=None, y=None, **kw)

Description: Draw line-of-sight Doppler map


  • x (float) - X position to draw a spectral profile. Default is image center.
  • y (float) - Y position to draw a spectral profile. Default is image center.
  • **kwargs: fisspy.analysis.lambameter properties


  • None - It draw the matplotlib figure.
Note: To use the function correctly, you should change the backend of the matplotlib from inline to any of interactive backend (see here). In IPython you can simply change the backend by using '%matplotlib' magic function.

reload(x1=0, x2=None, y1=0, y2=None, ncoeff=False, smoothingMethod=None, **kwargs)

Description: Reload the FISS data


  • x1 (int, optional) - A left limit index of the frame along the scan direction.
  • x2 (int, optional) - A right limit index of the frame along the scan direction. If None, read all data from x1 to the end of the scan direction.
  • y1 (int, optional) - A left limit index of the frame along the slit direction.
  • y2 (int, optional) - A right limit index of the frame along the slit direction. If None, read all data from x1 to the end of the slit direction.
  • ncoeff (int, optional) - The number of coefficients(eigen vectors) to be used for the construction of frame in a pca file.
  • smoothingMethod (str, optional) - If it is not given, do not apply the noise filter. If 'savgol', apply the Savitzky-Golay noise filter in the wavelength axis. If 'gauss', apply the Gaussian noise filter in the wavelength axis. Default is None.
  • wvCalibMethod (str, optional) - Method to calibrate wavelength. 'simple': calibration with the information of the header. 'center': calibration with the center of the main line. 'photo': calibration with the photospheric line and the main line. Default is 'simple'.
  • **kwargs - smoothing properties. Either scipy.signal.savgol_filter properties or scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d.


  • None

wvCalib(profile=None, method='photo')

Description: Wavelength calibration


  • profile (numpy.ndarray) - Reference spectral profile.
  • method (str) - Method to calibrate wavelength. 'simple': calibration with the information of the header. 'center': calibration with the center of the main line. 'photo': calibration with the photospheric line and the main line. Default is 'simple'.


  • wv (numpy.ndarray) - Wavelength.

corSLA(refProf=None, pure=None, eps=0.027, zeta=0.055)

Description: Correction of spectral line profile(s) for stray light and far wing red-blue asymmetry


  • refProf (numpy.ndarray, optional) - (Spatially averaged) Reference line profile. If None, make refProfile by spatially averaging the Data. Default is None.
  • pure (numpy.ndarry, optional) - True if not blended. Please see fisspy.correction.get_inform.Pure
  • eps (float, optional) - Fraction of spatial stray light. The default is 0.027
  • eps (float, optional) - Fration of spectral stray light. The default is 0.055


  • cdata (numpy.ndarray) - Stray light and asymmetry corrected data.

See Also

  • Chae et al. (2013)
  • CorStrayLight: correction for stray light.
  • CorAsymmetry: correction for far wing red-blue asymmetry.

smoothingProf(method='savgol', **kwargs)

Description: Smoothing spectral profiles


  • method (str, optional) - If 'savgol', apply the Savitzky-Golay noise filter in the wavelength axis. If 'gauss', apply the Gaussian noise filter in the wavelength axis. Default is 'savgol'.
  • **kwargs - scipy.signal.savgol_filter properties or scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d properties.


  • wv (numpy.ndarray) - Wavelength.

getRaster(wv, hw=0.05)

Description: Get a raster image for a given wavelength


  • wv (float) - Referenced wavelength.
  • hw (float) - A half-width of wavelength to be integrated. Default is 0.05


  • rasterImage (numpy.ndarray) - Raster Image at given wavelength.

lambdameter(wv, hw=0.05)

Description: Calculate the line-of-sight Doppler shift by using the lambda-meter (bisector) method



  • wc (numpy.ndarray) - n dimensional array of central wavelength values.
  • intc (numpy.ndarray) - n dimensional array of intensies of the line segment.

chRasterClim(cmin, cmax)

Description: Change color limit for raster image


  • cmin (float) - Minimum color limit.
  • cmax (float) - Maximum color limit.


  • None - Change image color limit.

chSpectroClim(cmin, cmax)

Description: Change color limit for Spectrograph image


  • cmin (float) - Minimum color limit.
  • cmax (float) - Maximum color limit.


  • None - Change image color limit.


Description: Change color map



  • None - Change color map.


Description: Change raster image for a given wavelength


  • wv (float) - Wavelength position to draw raster image


  • None - Change raster image.

chSpect(x, y)

Description: Change Spectrograph for a given position


  • x (float) - X position to draw a spectral profile.
  • y (float) - Y position to draw a spectral profile.


  • None - Change spectral profile.

chIclim(cmin, cmax)

Description: Change the color limit of the intensity map on the vshow figure


  • cmin (float) - Minimum color limit.
  • cmax (float) - Maximum color limit.


  • None - Change color limit of the intensity map.

chVclim(cmin, cmax)

Description: Change the color limit of the velocity map on the vshow figure


  • cmin (float) - Minimum color limit.
  • cmax (float) - Maximum color limit.


  • None - Change color limit of the velocity map.

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